Wednesday, May 23, 2007

wouldn't it be hilarious if stuff like this were the rule, rather than the exception?

a footnote from the latest baseball notes column by's ken rosenthal:

And finally, please allow me to correct a misstatement that I made on Saturday's Mets-Yankees broadcast. I said that if the Yankees wanted a new manager, perhaps they should turn to Vasco de Gama and search for the Fountain of Youth. As any young history student knows, I confused Vasco de Gama with Ponce de Leon.

The sad part is, history was one of my stronger subjects in school. I apologize to any of my former teachers that I might have disgraced and anyone else who might have been offended by my contribution to the dumbing-down of America. That's the last time I'll talk about explorers!

wow. thats a pretty tough reference to make correctly. (no sarcasm.) im only about 6 or 7 years removed from studying this kind of stuff in high school, and while i knew it wasnt de gama looking for the fountain i definitely did not remember that it was de leon. what im saying is, dont beat yourself up, ken. thats a pretty tough factoid to spit out at a moment's notice and i bet the mistake slipped by a huge chunk of viewers who heard it that night.

anyways, the funny thing here is: you never hear this kind of retraction and apology from idiots like tim mccarver. what if every time he screwed up a guy's name, team's history, or made an incredibly awkward/terrible reference, ol' timmy later apologized for it? what a strange paradox- he'd spend so much time retracting and apologizing, would he even have any left over in which to make more mistakes? but if he didnt make any more mistakes, he wouldnt have to retract or apologize for anything and would then have more time to make mistakes... wow, this is messed up. did i just figure out a way to make tim mccarver collapse inwards on himself and disappear? lets hope so. now all i need to do is write a letter to fox's mlb department about this matter.


Chris W said...

re: your title

it would be a laff riot

dan-bob said...

its a conundrum of physics!