Wednesday, May 16, 2007

As Long As We're on the Subject. .

Do we really need an article about how we should root for "the next guy" ?

Not much in this article except for tired, rehashed "Bonds cheated", "Selig's uncomfortable", and "Let's root for A-Rod" fluff. However this line stuck out:

"Personally, I hope Barry dies," former Pirate photographer Pete Diana told Pearlman.

But Bonds doesn't care what Pete Diana or anyone else thinks of him. Perhaps even more than the steroids, that attitude is the source of his strength. I find this athlete's composure peculiarly admirable. He might be a miserable guy; but he hasn't let the pressure get to him.

I like how the author here just moves on as if this photographer didn't just try to put a hoodoo curse on Bonds. "I hope Barry dies"? Seriously? And then to just move on with a "But Bonds doesn't care who wishes death upon him." Wow.

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