Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Trials and Tribulations of Wearing Skate Guards on Ice

The skate guard is a pretty simple device. Made of elastic and cloth, it keeps your skates safe if you were walking around on concrete. But let's say your job was to go out on the ice at specific times. Say, I don't know, every TV commercial break. So the first whistle after the 14 minutes, 10 minute, or 6 minute mark (barring other factors including goals and penalties) you are going out and cleaning the snow buildup around the ice. You would be prepared! You would take your skate guards off and look like a skank! You wouldn't leave them on, would you?

You would if you were this Nashville Predators Goal Girl.

Now I know you only get to see her fall one of the three times, but it happened. You'll have to take my word on it. I also apologize for Bernie Federko's color commentary on the fall. If the local affiliate was smart, they would have played back the audio of all of the fans laughing at her. At the end, she looks up at Nashville's "megatron" to see if she's up there. She wasn't. But everybody saw.


Anonymous said...

Please tell me that the three falls came on a single visit to the ice, and not one time each at the 14, 10, and 6 minute marks. Please.

Jarrett said...

It was one single visit to the ice. But I guess you could say she made *three* visits to the ice that one time out! HEY NOW! Thanks, you've been a great audience try the lobster tails.

Jim said...

If I were THIS girl I would stay home for about a week "discovering" my new wonderful body.