update: does woody paige write his own headlines? no, but i'm glad i asked
last sunday i posted about a ridiculously terrible pun in a headline attached to a woody paige article. a couple on-the-ball commenters pointed out that traditionally, writers do not come up with headlines. that's a responsibility left to editors. i know that, of course, but my line of thinking in this particular situation was that the pun was so bad paige must be bucking this trend and cutting the editors out of the process. well, who better to settle the question of whether or not this was the case than woody himself? i emailed him that night, asking for a clarification. his response is nothing short of hilarious. since i thought people might not believe he said what he said if i simply copied and pasted the text, i've decided to post a screen shot. i know it's too small to read as it appears here, so click to enlarge.

you didn't have to tell it like it is, marge`
Other things Woody has problems with.
1) Speaking
2) Not being obnoxious
3) Not sexually harassing things
I laughed my ass off when I read that. I don't think Paige is funny, inciteful, or interesting. I must say, though, that the dry erade board he brings on Around the Horn is often pretty damn funny.
Woody is the greatest journalist ever.. how can you say hes not interesting...honestly
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