Monday, May 18, 2009

More Sanctimonious Shit from CW

Remember this? Well once again I'm a little fed up with sportswriters who can't fucking wait till a man's body is cold before they bring out the dirty laundry.

At least the commenters get it:

Why in the world does Woodling use Tisdale's death as prompt for repeating this whining story?

this certainly shouldn't be the time to bring up such a story. Granted it did happen and was tasteless, but obviously Tisdale was a much better person than this story leads one to believe.

Below is a more appropriate story on a basketball great, as well as a jazz great.…

Woodling should be fired! He's acting like a 5th grader by being so disrespectful. Needs to go back to Mizzou where he originally came from….

And those were the first 4 comments--before the Deadspin crowd got there.

Thank god you wrote this fucking article, Chuck Woodling. Shame on the Lawrence Journal-World (published since 1858) for publishing this piece of shit.


Tonus said...

I'll say this, the comments at Deadspin are priceless. If Chuck "my mother never loved me" Woodling doesn't understand why he's a waste of skin after that, there's no hope for him.

Elliot said...

He cut down the net!? On Kansas' court!? Nobody beats Kansas at basketball! How dare he? How DARE he? Somebody call the Hague because the International Criminal Court needs to posthumously bring this guy up on charges. Try his corpse or something.

Seriously though. I'm a big CU fan, but when Tom Osborn dies I'm not going to write an article talking about all the recruiting violations, and the cover-ups of player misdeeds. I'm not saying that subjects like the net cutting or other CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY should be off limits, but at least wait until the body gets cold to tear that person apart in print.

I wonder if CW knows that you can hate a team or a player and still be respectful when that person dies. It's a pretty tough concept for some people I guess.

Bengoodfella said...

I thought you meant Chris W, when you typed, "CW" and sadly that confused me for about three minutes.

I hope when Woodling dies someone brings up this column and what a piece of shit he was for writing it in his eulogy.

Even when Jim Leyritz passes from this earth I will have enough decency to not remind everyone what a douchebag he is simply because he had a hand in beating my favorite team twice in the playoffs.

How did this even get published is my question? Does no one edit anymore?