Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We Have a New Entrant in the Ongoing Contest for Worst Article Ever Written

Full disclosure: I found this on KSK, and they did a full breakdown of it (which I don't have time to do). But seriously... just read it. It's an insult to the English language. Hell, it's an insult to each of the individual letters in the English alphabet. Reading it left me wondering whether or not there is a God. My eyes now hurt. My brain hurts. My whole body aches from being exposed to the pile of dumbfuckery that is this article. Is that enough hyperbole for you? No? Just go read the article. It's like drinking gasoline while sticking a fork in an electric socket.

In sum: the link above goes to a bad piece of sports journalism.


Tonus said...

I read the title of the article and gave up.

Angelo said...

I actually thought it was a great, well-reasoned, non-repetitive article with lots of coherent arguments. I share the same concerns as the author. I mean, why do you think so few athletes get married if it's not their dedication to their professions?

Chris W said...

I feel like if that dude would have just mentioned Dolce and Gabbarna three or four more times the article would have been pretty hilarious.

Bengoodfella said...

So this guy is saying that Tom Brady is wealthier than he could ever imagine being and just married the world's top earning model...what's the problem again?