Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why We Don't Think Jeff Pearlman Is Such a Bad Guy

Sure, he's fully capable of writing garbage. But given the name of this blog, I have no choice but to link and gleefully acknowledge this, from Jeff's blog. (Be sure to click the links to get the joke, obivously.)

Reality is a bitch. It really is. But it’s also an oft-needed cold glass of water to the face. These days, nothing turns me off more than the journalist who over-inflates his own importance; who thinks he’s a celebrity and who believes what he does for a living has some sort of higher purpose.

If Jay can count "inspiring a worthless and irrelevant blog to make fun of pretty much anything you do" as a higher purpose, then he's in business. Otherwise... Jeff's right, he's a pudwhacker.


Anonymous said...

Just because:

From Mike Lupica's wikipedia-- "My whole deal on sports is that I still go to the ballpark to celebrate sports, but Bill Belichick and Barry Bonds and guys like that keep getting in my way."

From me: "My whole deal on sports journalism is that I still try to read newspapers because there are some very good writers out there, but hacks like Mike Lupica and Gay Fariotti keep getting in my way."

Anonymous said...

Mike Lupica writes for the Daily News, sonny. THE DAILY NEWS. That's in New York City. He's big time.